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Your new experience

Why Keencorp

KeenCorp’s software analyses daily digital communication between people. It recognizes tension and psycho-linguistic patterns in written text, producing a single people metric: the KeenCorp Index. It is predictive and a leading indicator for business performance and risk.

Behaviour issues

While marketing and complexes can be ‘calculated’ and reengineered when necessary. The underlying culture with its attitude and behaviours are in a fundamental way much more of influence to the well-being of a company, retention, ethicality, concurrency, the battle for the right employee.’ So behaviour is not to be neglected at all.

Key Challenges

  • Employee experience is a relatively new concept for many. The various stakeholders often have differentiated views on what it is and how to go about measuring and improving it.
  • There is no one measure or score for employee experience, and seeking one won’t help you improve employee experience.
  • Many organizations are poorly equipped to support continuous voice of the employee (VoE) listening and employee experience improvement.


  • Extend VoE listening techniques to direct, indirect and inferred by adding new data sources, methodologies and metrics to support these three approaches.
  • Harness VoE insights for continuous employee experience improvement by planning how they will use insights generated from the various listening techniques and methods.
  • Invest in increasing VoE practice maturity by investing in skills, data, technology and governance.

Published: Gartner, 20 September 2019

What is measured

Every organization has a structured communication as a line of command. Almost automatically employees do as expected and management rely on themselves as they ask employees to perform in a certain way. When despite the origin tension and or resistance exceeds a threshold, this communication changes. These change in communication do result in unexpected and unintentional behaviour which is being recognized through changes in expression through a different use of language. The change in language is being picked up by our measurement.

How to measure

Every organization has a structured communication as a line of command. Almost automatically employees do as expected and management rely on themselves as they ask employees to perform in a certain way. When despite the origin tension and or resistance exceeds a threshold, this communication changes. These change in communication do result in unexpected and unintentional behaviour which is being recognized through changes in expression through a different use of language. The change in language is being picked up by our measurement.

Privacy by design

Link Demo


(best used in Chrome)

Username: ‘demo@Demo Corp’

(NB: mind the “space”)

Password: ‘demodemo’

Business impact

KeenCorp’s software analyses daily digital communication between people. It recognizes tension and psycho-linguistic patterns in written text, producing a single people metric: the KeenCorp Index. It is predictive and a leading indicator for business performance and risk.

Engagement ROI Matrix

While marketing and complexes can be ‘calculated’ and reengineered when necessary. The underlying culture with its attitude and behaviours are in a fundamental way much more of influence to the well-being of a company, retention, ethicality, concurrency, the battle for the right employee.’ So behaviour is not to be neglected at all.

Six Use Cases

#1 Understand employees anxiety and engagement to respond when issues are detected.
#2 Identify low empolyee engagement and morale to keep valued employees from leaving.
#3 Understand employee’s anxiety and engagement to respond when issues are detected.
#4 Detect hidden risks across the organization to identify financial misconduct before it escalades
#5 Receive objective feedback to monitor the impact of new policies as they are implemented
#6 Detect misconduct before incidents occur to prevent costly claims.


KeenCorp’s software analyses daily digital communication between people. It recognizes tension and psycho-linguistic patterns in written text, producing a single people metric: the KeenCorp Index. It is predictive and a leading indicator for business performance and risk.


White paper #1

Enhancing Corporate Governance with a People Application of AI

Press Articles:

Press article #1 Harvard Business Review



Your benefits, process, deliverables

Select A, B or C, sign in and go and follow the instructions!

Option A

Complimentary Test drive: 2 critical teams, TRI Leadership assessment, 5 min review
@ Free Of Charge

Option B

Option A plus:
1-hour potential impact consult
@ Euro 125

Option C

Option B plus:
8-hour Bias Reset and Engagement Canvas Masterclass
@ Euro 2500