Pulse Survey Pitfalls

Pulse surveys let you collect employee feedback on a frequent basis. They are short surveys that measure employee engagement and can focus on specific issues such as diversity and inclusion and work-life balance. They give you a way to genuinely listen to your employees and gain insights into their attitudes, feelings, and frustrations. They can […]


Marlies de Vries en Chris Fonteijn, de door de minister van Financiën aangestelde kwartiermakers die de transities in de accountancy moeten aanjagen, schetsen in een interview in Het Financieele Dagblad op 23 september, een ontluisterend beeld van de veranderbereidheid in de sector. ‘Ondanks alles wat er al is gebeurd, hebben wij het échte gevoel van […]

COVID-19 drove the bullies out

The impact of Coronavirus on our society, financial markets, and economies is immense, but not always negative. In the middle of a pandemic, research shows employee engagement – an issue puzzling two-thirds of companies for decades – is going up, thanks to vulnerable leadership. In an ever more digitally connected world, people are the differentiators. […]